Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Quick intro

I'm not very good at keeping everyone updated... So I'll try this again, first, I think I'll introduce us.

Rob is from Fresno, CA and Sparks, NV. He moved with his parents in 2004 out to the frosty plains of Woodbury, Minnesota....
I, am from Orem, Utah. I had decided to try out being a nanny out there, and moved in January to Eden Prairie, Minnesota. We met at the singles ward and were married in January 2005.

We now are in Orem. We just bought our first house last summer. It's a darling little condo in a nice suburb area.

We have 4 children. (Okay, 2 of them are dogs).... Christy our 2 year old just decided yesterday she was going to be a big girl and wear panties. Yay! no more pull ups. Her favorite color is Orange, and Pink, depending on the day.
Wesley is 7 months old and learning to crawl, pull himself up onto furniture and eat everything and anything he can put into his mouth. He is about the happiest person I know.
Daisy is our 1 year old Puggle. She is a sweet tempered little girl. She loves long walks and to play fetch. At the end of the day, she loves to just sit with the family.
Jasper is about 2 weeks younger than my Wesley. He is a pom a poo poo (pomeranian poodle) and is just the sweetest thing ever. He fits his name very well (he is named after Jasper Cullen of the Twilight Series).
Oh, and then there is Ziggy. My crack head parakeet. He loves seeds, especially the honey covered variety. He also likes to sunbathe and check himself out in the mirror.

And that's pretty much it. That's us. Maybe this week, I write a new blog each day really introducing each of us. I love my little family. We make a great set!

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