Monday, April 28, 2008

Please say a prayer for Flash

So, in the past 3 years I have done some pretty major things. I got married, had a baby, moved across the country, lost my baby sister, my cousin, my father in law and my grandmother. Practically separated from my husband. Had a miscarriage. Had an ectopic pregnancy and miscarried. had another baby. bought a house. bought a dog. bought another dog. Took out my endownments (sp?) adopted another dog. I'm sure there is more to add to this. Wow! Anyway, I just thought I would write an update. I finally got myself to get to the temple in February. It was an amazing experience. I really hope that Rob will want to join me there soon so that we can be sealed forever.

Rob has moved up in the company quite a bit in just one year. His boss loves him, as well as most of his co-workers. His health seems to be the same. He is going to see yet another specialist when he returns from Oregon. Hopefully we'll get some answers. I hate waiting for results! Christy is potty trained! Yay! She did it all by herself. It happened over night. And has had a lot of success with it.
Wesley is almost standing and walking. He loves that he is so mobile now. It's so cute!
I'm going to be starting school on May 27th. I will be attending Provo College and going through their massage therapy program. I have been wanting to do a massage program since before I graduated high school, and it never seemed to be the right I guess now it is. Anybody want to be homework?! lol!
Now, if having a bird and 2 dogs werent enough, I went and adopted a third dog. Daisy and Jasper love our Flash. But I found out today that he has Parvo. Luckily both the other dogs have been vaccinated, so they are mostly immune. Flash has to stay the night at the vets in hopes that they can help him recover. PLease pray for him :) Christy is heart broken that he didn't come home with us and Daisy and Jasper have been looking everywhere for him. Its strange that he isn't here sitting on my lap! lolAnyway, that's mostly it as new in our life...So, what's new with you?

1 comment:

The Morty's said...

Hey Aimee, I don't know if you remember me or not. This is Loralee, I used to post on UCM. Congrats on Christy potty training! My kids were the same, they did it and it was overnight LOL Makes "potty training" seem easy LOL
Well I just thought I would say hi.
See ya!